Data Services

Unleash power of data for your organization

Unlock the full potential of your data. Our cutting-edge technologies and data engineering services allow for the seamless collection and integration of data from your assets, such as vibration sensors and meteorological stations. You'll have a comprehensive understanding of the data at your disposal and can set the requirements for analysis. Our team of energy technologists are experts in advanced condition monitoring and can help you harness the power of AI/ML to improve your power plant's performance and decision making. Upgrade to the future of data-driven operations with Senkron.Energy.

Your data is key, but insights really matter. Explore the potential of your data with a user-friendly tool to reveal the gems of advanced condition monitoring from ETL to alerts.

Connect Your Data

Your data is yours. It can either reside in OnePact suite, or any other medium. Connect your data to AIPact via ready-to-use connectors.

Import and Preprocess

Select the data, and fields to import and visualize them rapidly. Choose what to filter out by analyzing outliers using clicks and drags.

Creat a Model and Analyze

Decide what algorithm is more suitable for your data using the guidance provided by AIPact. Create your model and train it!

Generate Alarms

Let AIPact automatically work around the clock and compare your values with predicted values. Instantly receive alarms exceeding thresholds!