Cyber Security

Resilient cyber security posture leveraging our domain expertise

Securing your cyber-presence and assets is vital in today’s business. Senkron.Energy defines a new level of cyber security posture for your IT and OT world, which combines deep-dive cyber security management expertise with power generation and power plant operations know-how and expertise. With cyber security assessments provided by the same mix of knowledge, you can ensure resilience, defensibility and regulatory conformity.

OT cyber security is beyond a side measure that you can take action separately. You shall embed all security measures into your way of doing. Especially today, when IT and OT boundaries need to become transitional!

7x24 Monitoring

Your OT environment is under cover by our state-of the-art OT SOC center. Sophisticated security by experienced security agents with energy know-how.

Prepare Your Environment

We do initial assessments, provide suggestions and implement required IDS infra with our partner ecosystem.

Progressive Layered Approach

We can provide from basic security to the advanced sophistication level. Your level and possibilities are assessed by our security experts and designed for your current environment, but ready to progress.

Energy-Specific Cyber Intelligence

Be informed about cyber security incidents and news regarding energy sector.